After census plunged 1,000 basis points across the country, has the assisted living recovery met expectations following the pandemic? Pent-up demand for this need-based product may have already exhausted itself, and rampant discounting would theoretically affect the cash flow recovery. Not only that, but the economic effects of the pandemic have hit communities differently, with “B” and “C” properties less financially flexible to meet rising wages, higher infection control costs and lower occupancy without a significant hit to their bottom lines.
Investors have adapted to get deals done, propelling M&A activity to pre-pandemic heights this summer. But the properties they are targeting, and what prices they are willing to pay, have shifted. Lenders are largely responsible for the M&A comeback, but their terms have changed. It is predicted that investors are poised for a buying spree in the fourth quarter and 2022, but how many (and which) sellers will come to the table? And will occupancy optimism and buyer demand push prices back to “normal?” Join us and hear what our experts have to say.
Ben Swett, Editor, The SeniorCare Investor (Moderator)
Matthew Whitlock, Managing Director, Berkshire Capital
Don Husi, Managing Director, Ziegler
Todd Seneker, Managing Director, Columbia Pacific Advisors