• National Owner/Operator Acquires in Texas

    Matthew Alley and Ryan Saul of Senior Living Investment Brokerage were engaged by a local independent owner in Texas in the divestment of its only skilled nursing facility, as he looks to exit the industry. He was leasing the property to a regional operator. Built in 1961 and renovated in 1994, Bender Terrace is in Lubbock, with 120 beds. It sits... Read More »
  • MIG Closes Five Separate Transactions

    Andrew Montgomery of Montgomery Intermediary Group has reported a strong start to the year, closing four separate transactions, so far, and announcing an additional deal from October of last year. That one involved a 130-bed skilled nursing facility in St. Louis, Missouri. Built in the early 1900s, the facility was cash flowing with occupancy... Read More »
  • Sunny Hills Management Purchases in California

    A couple of California seniors housing communities changed hands as part of a larger divestment strategy for the national developer/investor seller. Before the pandemic, that entity had purchased more than a dozen geographically disparate, older-vintage communities. But operational headwinds prompted a portfolio re-prioritization and de-levering... Read More »
  • Illinois Owner/Operator Acquires AL Community

    Daniel Morris of Plains Commercial Real Estate facilitated the sale of a seniors housing community in Sterling, Illinois. Built in 2001, Avonlea Cottage Assisted Living comprises 30 assisted living units and was being sold as part of a receivership process. The facility has been well maintained physically, but was in need of operational... Read More »
  • Majestic Care Acquires Ohio SNF Portfolio

    Jeffrey Vegh and Joe Schiff of Forest Healthcare Properties sold a skilled nursing portfolio in Ohio before the end of January. This brings the team’s total number of facilities sold in the month of January to 20. The portfolio features six SNFs comprising 536 beds, all built around the 1980s. Average occupancy hovered between 85% and 90%. The... Read More »
60-ish Seconds with Steve Monroe: Becoming a Statistic

60-ish Seconds with Steve Monroe: Becoming a Statistic

I became an industry statistic last week, although not intentionally. While returning from the annual ASHA meeting in Phoenix last Wednesday, I developed a slight cough just before takeoff, which turned into a full-blown cough by landing. The next day I went to my PCP to get some drugs, and tested negative for flu, COVID and RSV.  By late Friday afternoon, I was miserable. My daughter happened to be home, and seeing me struggle up the stairs, then fall at the top, unable to get up or even roll over, and then drag me into my bedroom, she made a call to a health care provider. The provider videochatted with me for less than a minute and then told my daughter to call 911 immediately. The... Read More »
60 Seconds with Swett: Rising Treasuries and Senior Care M&A

60 Seconds with Swett: Rising Treasuries and Senior Care M&A

Momentum in the M&A market has continued into 2025, and there is general optimism that the new Administration that descended on Washington this week will be good for the business environment. Although there is some uncertainty around what, if any, tariffs are enacted and whether their effect on prices would potentially be blunted by falling energy costs and efficiency efforts, assuming “drill baby drill” and “DOGE” have a near-immediate effect. And we don’t know about the scale of the deportations and its impact on wages. However, if M&A activity started to take off last year due to the expectation of lower interest rates, then what effect will the 10-Year Treasury rate shooting... Read More »

60 Seconds with Swett: 2025 Set for Healthcare M&A Growth

The word from the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, which kicked off in San Francisco this week, is that M&A activity in the biopharma/life sciences space will likely grow in 2025 after a relative downturn in 2024. A more business-friendly administration in D.C. combined with an enormous amount of dry powder set to do deals, including some bigger billion-dollar-plus ones too. Indeed, our own M&A data from LevinPro HC, which tracks all the healthcare services and tech deals, showed the 2024 total decline to just under 2,000 deals for the year, a 10% decrease from 2023’s activity and a 19% decrease from 2022’s. Dollar volume also dropped below $200 billion in total disclosed purchase... Read More »
60-ish Seconds with Steve Monroe: Becoming a Statistic

60 Seconds with Steve Monroe: First off, Happy New Year Everyone.

I suspect many of you think I am going to talk about the record setting M&A year in 2024 for long-term care, but I believe Ben has fully covered that and will continue to do so in the coming weeks as the stats are finalized. Plus, he now knows more than I do on the topic. No. I am going to talk about a book I just read, called The Big 100 by William Kole. All we have heard about for years, even decades, is the growth in the 80+ and 85+ population and what it will do for the seniors housing industry. This book is about the 100+ population, called centenarians, and super-centenarians, those who have attained 110 years and older. The centenarian group is the fastest growing age cohort,... Read More »
60-ish Seconds with Steve Monroe: Becoming a Statistic

60 Seconds with Steve Monroe: Before The Rally

‘Twas the night before Christmas, all were in the investors’ suite Where prospects of profits and returns were sweet The spreadsheets were laid out by the laptops with care In hopes that new ventures soon would be there The analysts were nestled, with data in hand While visions of acquisitions were carefully planned The reports and LevinPro metrics, all neat in a row Prepared for the meetings where dollars would flow When out in the market there arose such a clatter I sprang from my seat to see what was the matter Away to the monitors I flew in a dash To make sure the market did not crash The screens shown bright with the latest news feed As I scrolled through new offerings with incredible... Read More »
60 Seconds with Swett: Rising Treasuries and Senior Care M&A

60 Seconds with Swett: Cap Rates Coming Down?

Cap rate data has been difficult to measure in the last couple of years, due to a fast-changing capital costs environment, a relatively fast-changing operating environment and, frankly, a relative absence of true “cap rate deals” where the buyer was valuing the trailing set of financials, without any funny business. Now, we are seeing more “cap rate deals” and look forward to providing our industry averages, broken out by property type, quality, age and performance in our next Senior Care Acquisition Report.  Anecdotally, what we are hearing is that cap rates are compressing slightly, but in the grand scheme of things, are staying relatively high relative to the record (and some may say... Read More »