AI is on the minds of many these days, and its seemingly limitless capabilities in the not-too-far future are creating both hope and angst among the public. Certainly, in health care, the possibilities of making care better, more efficient and more effective are an exciting prospect. And we are still in the early days of it.
One company, ServingIntel, is launching a new AI platform designed specifically for senior living communities. Already serving communities across the country and in Canada with point-of-sale and robotics technology that helps provide higher resident satisfaction, increased revenue and enhanced staff productivity, ServingIntel has now created Ruby AI. With community-specific database learning still in progress, Ruby AI will introduce advanced data analysis capabilities that empower staff with insights and enable better, personalized interactions for residents.
Residents can ask Ruby AI through their resident portal (an app) about community events, daily menus and other information on their community. In addition to answering the resident’s questions, Ruby AI can analyze the speech patterns and recognize a resident’s satisfaction level. When a resident is unhappy, it triggers the AI to adapt and also lets the Executive Director know about the problem. I.e., if Ruby hears “ah, meatloaf again??” a change to the menu may be in order, at least for that resident. Residents can also voice complaints about the community through Ruby AI, and more communication/engagement is always good for a community, especially if it can be done in the resident’s own room.
Staff will be able to access Ruby AI in ServingIntel Cloud Control (SICC) to analyze large amounts of data, such as tracking meal orders or identifying popular dishes, and making informed decisions about dining services and menu planning. ServingIntel is a Microsoft partner and thus has access to Microsoft’s Azure suite of services, which helps with speech-to-text and text-to-speech recognition. That kind of backing and services should enable ServingIntel to keep improving Ruby AI. And with AI advanced at such a rapid pace, who knows what capabilities Ruby AI will have in the near-future.