REITs: After Divesting Billions, They Are Back in Acquisition Mode
On April 28, 2022, Ben Swett, Editor of The SeniorCare Investor, spoke with three expert panelists on REITs, their strategies and their positive impact on the senior care market, post-pandemic. Those panelists included Mark Lamb, Chief Investment Officer of CareTrust REIT, Alex Florea, Head of Capital Markets at Blueprint Healthcare Real Estate Advisors and Kevin Pascoe, Chief Investment Officer of National Health Investors. They discussed a wide range of topics, including how to improve REITs’ relationships with their tenants, considerations for acquiring amid high valuations, and when to expect a return to “good” occupancy. Mr. Swett kicked off the webinar by asking the panelists how... Read More »
Ensign Outperforms Yet Again
We know we’ve said this before, but The Ensign Group continues to be the Energizer Bunny of the skilled nursing sector, consistently posting positive results in turbulent operating environments. Its Q1 earnings report, which factored in the Omicron surge and unprecedented staffing challenges, reported GAAP diluted earnings per share of $0.89 and adjusted EPS of $0.99 for the quarter ended March 31, 2022, representing increases of 3.5% and 13.8% over the prior year quarter, respectively. Consolidated GAAP revenues rose to $713.4 million, an increase of over 13.5% compared with the prior year quarter, but GAAP net income also rose by 2.3% over the prior year quarter to $50.3 million.... Read More »
Sonida Senior Living Making Progress
Better late than never. Sonida Senior Living (formerly Capital Senior Living) just released its fourth quarter and full year 2021 financial results, just when companies are starting to release first quarter 2022 results. The best news, however, is their progress in the first quarter of 2022, bucking the norm of a first quarter census drop, much like many companies are doing. Getting back to the recent results, as a result of their major recapitalization late last year, raising $154.8 million, there is no longer a “going concern” issue for the company, which was a major problem. Check that one off the list. Next up is census, which like everyone else hit bottom last Spring, but has been... Read More »
Brookdale Ends Quarter With A Census Boost
The entire seniors housing industry seems to be clawing back its occupancy losses, even during the perennial lackluster first quarter. Brookdale Senior Living ended the first quarter on a high note (it is all relative, we suppose), with its highest occupancy level since the bottom was hit a year ago, reaching 75.0% at the end of March 2022. This was also the highest month-end occupancy since September 2020. For comparison purposes, it was 82.2% at the end of March 2020. So, bucking the historical trend of first quarter gloom, month-end occupancy in the first quarter 2022 actually increased from December by 50 basis points, even though weighted average occupancy was flat from December to... Read More »