Everyone knows that the demand for seniors housing and care will do nothing but increase for the next 30 years. Whether in home health care, skilled nursing or assisted living, the labor market will feel the pressure. Lack of proper staffing sometimes results in a building losing its license, and then most of its value. Technology may help somewhat in the future, but not in the next five to 10 years when the pressure will really start to increase on the labor market. For providers, their long-term survival will depend on whether they can attract, and keep, the right staff.
Ben Swett, Associate Editor of The SeniorCare Investor and moderator of the panel, poses relevant topics such as: What successful operators have done to retain the staff they need; How to keep new developments from poaching your staff; What you will have to do as the minimum wage approaches $15 per hour; Whether temporary staffing, the scourge of the 1990s, will be back, and what that means and the impact of rising wages on value. The panel of experts will include, Glenn Barclay, Partner, Quality Senior Living; John Gonzales, Principal, SDG Senior Living, Inc. and Lori Porter, Co-Founder and CEO of National Association of Health Care Assistants.