What Happened To Assisted Living Prices?
The assisted living sector fell back to earth in 2018 and dragged the rest of the seniors housing sector with it, according to the soon-to-be-published Seniors Housing Acquisition & Investment Report. Following three successive years of steady increases and a record-high price per unit in 2017 of $221,250, assisted living properties sold on average for just $186,400 per unit in 2018, a 15.8% decline. What could have happened in only a year to cause such a fall? Partially, it was because the share of communities with either 100% or some component of memory care units (which are usually valued higher for their higher rents and more need-based residents) fell from 70% of all communities... Read More »
Non-Stabilized SNFs Drop in Value
We are fast approaching the publishing of our Senior Care Acquisition Reports, which we’ve split for the first time into the Skilled Nursing Acquisition and Investment Report and the Seniors Housing Acquisition and Investment Report. You can expect these Reports to hit your desk sometime in the next few weeks, if you order them, of course. In them, we’ve included more graphs, stats and analysis than ever before, along with comprehensive lists of the industry’s operators, private equity firms, REITs, lenders and brokers. Here is a taste of what you’d find: Source: The 2019 Skilled Nursing Acquisition and Investment Report Traditionally, we have defined stabilized occupancy for skilled... Read More »
Average SNF And Seniors Housing Prices Hit Four-Year Low
The headwinds facing skilled nursing and assisted living have finally had their impact on acquisition values. We are obviously not in good times right now, but it is also not as bad as it sometimes appears. The mood is cautious for most, but hopeful for many, as occupancy and labor continue to be the problem issues facing the entire industry. What I don’t like, however, is when news reports come out saying that 50% of SNFs nationally lose money. What they fail to say is that this is after depreciation, amortization, interest and lease expense. Before these costs, the vast majority of nursing facilities are still making money, just not as much as in the past. It looks like 2018 was finally... Read More »
Seniors Housing & Care Acquisition Stats
The Seniors Housing Acquisition and Investment Report, and the Skilled Nursing Acquisition and Investment Report will be coming soon with better data then ever before. We are closing out the 2018 data for our skilled nursing and seniors housing acquisition market statistics, which will be presented in two separate reports this year, to be released in March. They will be called the Seniors Housing Acquisition and Investment Report, and the Skilled Nursing Acquisition and Investment Report. Let’s just say that with a record number of publicly announced transactions last year, plus the private ones we receive, the quality of the data for this year’s reports is the best it has ever been. It... Read More »